London Opera and Oratorio Singer

From heartrending pianissimos to powerful crescendos, Victor's vocal range and ability to embody diverse characters on stage define his strength as an artist.

Victor Sgarbi has a lot of fun with his role as The Devil and, yes, he probably does have the best tunes. 12/8/23 (Gary Naylor - Broadway World
Then comes the splendid entrance of Victor Sgarbi, purporting to be a priest. Something about Sgarbi’s brimming energy signals he’s not who he says he is, as he unpacks his crucifix and chalice from his suitcase with all the aplomb of a travelling salesman. And indeed it transpires that he’s Demonio, preying on the dying to try to win their immortal soul for Satan. Michael Walling’s direction makes a lot of the wonderfully surreal action that follows the discovery of Demonio’s true identity, which ends with nurse and doctor trying to garrotte him with the line from Loyola’s drip. It’s somewhere between medieval mystery place and pantomime. 13/8/23 (The Review Hub - Jane Darcy)